Workout and Have Fun

  Visit the new Article here WEIGHT LOSS CAN BE A TRICKY GAME NOW Enjoy Workout and Have Fun one of the most commented articles of my blog. Find the way to have fun at working-out and make that moment a really great moment to separate your mind from the world, so let's find together     some ideas to have a good and fun workout every time you decide to go to the gym, it's not just about loss weight, working-out is a therapy !!! A lot of people are intimidated by the concept of spin…Read more …

Low carbs diet and workout against the clock

Problems with low carbs diets: So, not only does following a low-carb diet cause you to lose water, it also depletes muscle glycogen which leaves you feeling sluggish when trying to be active or workout. Remember, carbs are stored as glycogen in the muscles and glycogen is what's used to fuel your muscles. Another problem with severely limiting carbs is that the brain uses carbs for energy and without enough carbs, you won't be 100% mentally.  While I agree that people are different and that some people do better on lower amounts of…Read more …


One of the biggest myths about getting ripped abs is that you have to do a million crunches or buy some silly gadget off of an infomercial to get any results. The truth is you can do a lot of crunches but you will never see those abs if they are covered up by 3 inches of fat. You have to burn that fat off     if you are ever going to see the ab muscles. I have found that when it comes to burning fat low carb is the way to go. To…Read more …