What hurts today makes you stronger tomorrow Warm-up it’s actually that tedious part of the routine Everyone hates but it’s crucial for high quality, endurance and performance follow below a easy way to do it  Here's a brief overview of the warm-up: 8 inward hip rotations, 8 outward hip rotations (each side)8 forward arm circles, 8 backward arm circles.2 minutes jumping rope.8 walk-outs.12 deep reverse lunge to knee raise.12 deep reverse lunge to knee raise.15 squats with a 10-rep pulse at the end. Now get into the routine  It’s crucial to workout 2 muscle groups…Read more …


Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right I took the time to write down this "work-out routine" It will change the way you look in less than 7 weeks.. Are you gonna do it ? "its up to you" Let's start with the king of all exercises (#Pull-ups) 7 series of 11 reps each. Start slow and increase the speed as you feel confident  Push ups  After finishing pull ups. Focus immediately on push ups 7 series of 17 reps each. Start slow + increase speed when you feel confident  Sit…Read more …

The Push

All Progress take place outside the comfort zone What really works is actually the extra push. Never the first rep, either the last one. What really works is the 3 extra reps after you're done pus the intensity and determination you apply to the whole workout routine. Most likely and beyond of achieving great muscles, what you want to achieve is a fit type of body composition that looks great. and yes those abs. "the obsession of every male in the world. "the six-pack". What if I tell you that "those abs are…Read more …