What hurts today makes you stronger tomorrow Warm-up it’s actually that tedious part of the routine Everyone hates but it’s crucial for high quality, endurance and performance follow below a easy way to do it  Here's a brief overview of the warm-up: 8 inward hip rotations, 8 outward hip rotations (each side)8 forward arm circles, 8 backward arm circles.2 minutes jumping rope.8 walk-outs.12 deep reverse lunge to knee raise.12 deep reverse lunge to knee raise.15 squats with a 10-rep pulse at the end. Now get into the routine  It’s crucial to workout 2 muscle groups…Read more …


Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right I took the time to write down this "work-out routine" It will change the way you look in less than 7 weeks.. Are you gonna do it ? "its up to you" Let's start with the king of all exercises (#Pull-ups) 7 series of 11 reps each. Start slow and increase the speed as you feel confident  Push ups  After finishing pull ups. Focus immediately on push ups 7 series of 17 reps each. Start slow + increase speed when you feel confident  Sit…Read more …

The Push

All Progress take place outside the comfort zone What really works is actually the extra push. Never the first rep, either the last one. What really works is the 3 extra reps after you're done pus the intensity and determination you apply to the whole workout routine. Most likely and beyond of achieving great muscles, what you want to achieve is a fit type of body composition that looks great. and yes those abs. "the obsession of every male in the world. "the six-pack". What if I tell you that "those abs are…Read more …

Let’s be Clear about food

    Here is the #Tip for today !! Let's talk about meals, pre-Post workout meals etc. do U pay for gas ⛽️ when the tank is full ? By topping your fuel tank off, it can either overwhelm your evaporative system and break something or cause a hazardous leak by the excess pressure in the system, it's the same with your body #Eat when you need. stop overeating, do not eat just to please yourself or the society. You have one #Body and just one #Life !! Cramming your body with too much food can put serious stress on your…Read more …

Fat loss and Pre-workout meals

Really my vision about stay fit will be always connected to a low calorie program because of many reasons, and the most important is the time you have to dedicate to take care of yourself, Normally  "you have a busy life" and not too much time to go to the gym, So a low calorie diet allows you to accommodate a weekly and easy to achieve exercise program to your busy schedule, less calories in your system, less time to burn that out of your system, more time to rest during the nights, better and more energy during…Read more …

This Holidays Have fun but be careful with the sugar

    Make sure you workout minimum 5 days a week, go hard with cardio, take your pre and post workout but specially during the holidays, enjoy but be careful with the sugar, the blood sugar crash that happens when you’re coming off a sugar high can cause mood swings and leave you feeling crabby. not to mention, if your energy is also tanking, that just contributes to a bad attitude. Excess sugar is excess calories, and since it has no protein or fiber it doesn’t fill you up (so you just keep eating it).…Read more …

Dark Chocolate is a Healthy snack for your Abs !!

Dark chocolate is packed with literally dozens of nutrients and powerful antioxidants, dark chocolate help keep your ticker in tip-top shape. Research shows that as part of a balanced, low-fat eating plan, a regular dose of cocoa powder can raise good HDL cholesterol and lower total blood cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of clogged arteries that choke off the blood supply to your heart. Chocolate also helps reduce inflammation in blood vessels, keeping them pliable and capable of fully dilating for optimum blood flow to your heart and other working muscles. so eat…Read more …

Once you see results, It Becomes and addiction

    First up is the diet. This will become your most important component because it takes the most discipline, and if you’re not getting rid of the fat and water, then your abs are going to seem more like a two-pack. With the diet, don’t drastically cut carbs, instead burn them. Keep carbs constant until your abs are truly ready to be seen, then a quick cut will rip out the final drops of water. This is the biggest mistake I’ve seen, dropping carbs too fast and too much, which reduces energy…Read more …

Flat Belly Tips and Recipes

Monounsaturated fatty acids, or MUFAs, target and destroy belly fat. One MUFA serving with every meal and daily intake of 1,600 calories, although dieters can tailor the plan to their age, gender and activity level. Fruits and veggies, whole grains, nuts, beans, seeds and lean protein are emphasized So without try to make a complicated explanation let's move directly to the recommended diet for you, but hold on a second. First: Please workout and make important every minute of your workout, workout against the clock, push yourself to the limit for every set, drink…Read more …

Track your Fitness Progress

  You're determined to make a change and have recommitted to reaching your fitness goals. fortunately there are ways to maximize your success. Keeping track of your fitness progress can help you to stay motivated and on track toward succeeding with your fitness goals. It's so important to have yourself as your own reference, it's your life, your effort, your process and your own progress, don't try to compare your process with the process of other people because there are a lot of different factors that will make harder or easy to others…Read more …