Supplements ? Yes I recommend you to use supplements, there is a difference between anabolic steroids and natural anabolic. In fact a good diet is full of natural anabolic but c'mon I know you want to try to improve results, so yes try that kind of anabolic pills that helps your body to transform the carbs in energy and also by the same way will help your body with the digestion process. (try natural stuff never Steroids and it will be ok) What about Pre-workout stuff ? Really I recommend you fat burner pills instead…Read more …


You don't need to have an unfinished basement or dedicate all day to workout to reach your weight loss goals, actually you need 1 hour and 40 minutes. To lose weight it's all about having an intelligent workout and an intelligent diet. Actually you don't need to do more than 30 minutes of moderate weight lifting, the key is to convert all your routine in a cardio routine, so set up your goals to finish your weight lifting in 30 minutes and for the weight lifting please do not use more than 30 lbs. (each hand) (no…Read more …

Workout and Have Fun

  Visit the new Article here WEIGHT LOSS CAN BE A TRICKY GAME NOW Enjoy Workout and Have Fun one of the most commented articles of my blog. Find the way to have fun at working-out and make that moment a really great moment to separate your mind from the world, so let's find together     some ideas to have a good and fun workout every time you decide to go to the gym, it's not just about loss weight, working-out is a therapy !!! A lot of people are intimidated by the concept of spin…Read more …

Low carbs diet and workout against the clock

Problems with low carbs diets: So, not only does following a low-carb diet cause you to lose water, it also depletes muscle glycogen which leaves you feeling sluggish when trying to be active or workout. Remember, carbs are stored as glycogen in the muscles and glycogen is what's used to fuel your muscles. Another problem with severely limiting carbs is that the brain uses carbs for energy and without enough carbs, you won't be 100% mentally.  While I agree that people are different and that some people do better on lower amounts of…Read more …


One of the biggest myths about getting ripped abs is that you have to do a million crunches or buy some silly gadget off of an infomercial to get any results. The truth is you can do a lot of crunches but you will never see those abs if they are covered up by 3 inches of fat. You have to burn that fat off     if you are ever going to see the ab muscles. I have found that when it comes to burning fat low carb is the way to go. To…Read more …


The importance and benefits of doing cardio are clear and in our faces every day, but unfortunately many people don't know what constitutes as effective cardio. So, run for a couple of miles and “be healthy”  but hold on a second you want to look great more that you want to be healthy Today’s “fit” People needs to be strong, fast, and athletic. I recommend you one hour on the elliptical, or walk on a super inclined treadmill and please combine that with 45 minutes of a good workout at the gym or at home…Read more …


Just 20-30 minutes a day to exercise ? What can you do in that amount of time? Reach your own limits!!! Try a superset, the superset is a great way to workout if you have limited time. Each cycle should take you two minutes. If you can do ten cycles of this you will total 300 pushups and 400 crunches. No resting in between sets! You basically rest by doing crunches. Exercise as quickly as possible. You can alternate exercises after each set of maximum repetitions. You can do quite a bit in…Read more …

Wake up Early and workout hard

One of the advantages of working out in the morning is that you're more alert during those later hours. If you've already completed your workout, you can simply roll with whatever obstacles come up later in the evening without feeling bad that you missed another day. You're far more likely to be consistent with your training if you get it done early in the day rather than waiting for later. You're probably familiar with the notion that some workouts release endorphins, feel-good hormones that are increased following exercise of sufficient intensity and duration. …Read more …

Post workout RECOVERY #TIPS

   After a hard workout your muscles are torn down and you may have even entered catabolism. The only way to stop this is by feeding your muscles with the nutrients that they need. Carbs are stored as glycogen 125% more efficiently directly after working out than any other time during the day. Also, protein synthesis is highly elevated. So take advantage of this time and feed your muscles (after workout #TIP) Drink water. Your body is made up of about 80% water. When you workout you are losing a lot of this…Read more …

Healthy FOODS before + after Workout

To lose those pounds, we just need to cut our portion sizes. The following seven foods are healthy, easy and fun for your body and Soul ... remember to lose weight you have to eat healthy and at the right time, but we are humans so I am going to try to make this article real because at Friday night or after work or before go to an important meeting you are no going to eat Figs or beans for snack ... so #MAKEITREAL #WORKOUTHARD and Enjoy #SNACKTIME 1. Apples Apples contain a secret-weapon when…Read more …